Thursday, January 18, 2007

Here I Am.

*BORING ALERT* I didn't go anywhere. I've fallen on my buttooski 5 times this winter, the first time I can remember falling since I was in grade school. The first time was on an icy sidewalk. Where I live it is literally safer to walk in the street than on the slidewalks. I buggered up my back there. I hike "The Hill". The hill is a 1 mile hike up 1800 feet, I believe the equivalent of hot footing it up the stairs of a 196 story building. Well...3 times now I've slipped and took a good hit. The first time my feet came out from under me, and splat on my keister I go. I had a fluffy hat on which saved my punkin, but I heard my neck make a loud crack. Two more less eventful spills in the next few weeks polished me off, sciatic probs are driving me nuts, my lower back and leg feel like they are in a continual cramp, now it's spread into a stiff neck and a burning headache. Yeah, I'm a real sweetheart to hang with lately. So, there you have it, the whole sordid story. Got an appointment with the massage therapist next week so I should be posting here more.


Clance' McClannahan said...

Which email do you want me to use? yahoo or g?

Loralai said...

Use both! I haven't even checked either of them for at least a week, I've been soooooooo busy!

I'm trying to play catchup, almost there!