Had my first fender bender about a week and a half ago, and well, ok, it wasn't a fender bender, no fenders were harmed, not even bent. I put 4 scratches on a guy's bumper, on the corner and it's gonna cost $570. INSANE. FRICKEN HICKEN DICKEN madness I tell you. I def need to get into auto body work, that's a tidy profit there. ANYhoots, (don'tcha hate that term?) I tried to have the scratches paid for in cash so the thing wouldn't affect anyone's insurance rates ( I was driving my dad's truck), but the people got all hinky on me and flaked out. The hubby and wife tag team were lying about things, she claimed (according to him) that I was trying to avoid her calls. I had just talked to her the day before, at about 3pm. She was supposed to call me back with her vin # and insurance #, and I told her my insurance co, being in Florida was closed by 2pm our time, so I had to call them in the morning and get the info, and I'd relay it to her home phone the next morning which I did.
Turns out she called my dad's insurance company almost immediately after she talked to me and turned in a claim! Friggen idiot, I tell ya, and dishonest into the bargain. I didn't know about this until later of course. The next day her darling hubby calls me, all bristling with attitude, calling me "missy" saying I'm avoiding his wife's calls. Now, I'm no marriage expert, but I'd have to gander a guess here that there's trouble in that little hell hole of unholy wedded hell. I told him I left a message that morning on their home phone, just as I told his ignorant wife I was going to do, and I had no reason to dodge her, in fact I'd been talking to her all along. He demanded insurance info, I gave it to him, who the hell cares? I told him I'd offered multiple times to pay their auto body bill in cash to keep it off the insurance. At the end I just told him to do what he's gotta do, I wash my hands of it all. Personally, I think either she's on heavy duty medication or she's your garden variety bloomin' idiot, and he's a moron for believing anything that vomits forth from her forked and vile tongue. I just KNEW I should have went the mercenary route when I tested high for it at high school career day.
Oh, just days before all this, I get a lab bill for $157 for lab work done in July of last year. Wowzers, someone dropped the ball there! The combined total of that and the car issue would have put a considerable dent in my lifestyle for February. As it turns out, my dad's insurance has no deductible for the accident (?! since when do insurance companies not want $$??) and the lab work "should" be taken care of by my insurance, though I do have a $145 deductible. All that stressin' over nothing (I hope)
AND...last Wednesday, Thursday & Friday I was working furiously on an airbrush pinup for a How To contest, ironic since it was pretty much only the 4th time I ever picked up an airbrush, but dammit all I wanted to win the Peak airbrush prize! Everyone seems to really like my how to, it can be seen at:
http://etac-airbrush.com/phpBB/nfphpbb/viewtopic.php?t=920 and I'm really keeping my fingers crossed that I win the airbrush, cuz I worked my heiney off and need a good airbrush SOOOOO bad, but can't afford the Iwata Micron that I'd love to have. Free anything is an exceptional value in my book. :)
Here is a picture of the pinup I did, and while I was terribly disappointed in how she turned out, I think it was passable for the time frame and not knowing what in the hell I was doing til after I did it.
Oh, Yeager's a bust, btw, what a dink he turned out to be. He'll be sorry he screwed that up, and you can take that to the bank. :)
If you're not happy with it, you can send it to me.
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