Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I'm Still Here!

I even check in and see if anyone's posted but just been too busy to say anything! Busy with what you demand to know? Well, my bossy lil pardner, I've been learning to use an airbrush as you would know if you read the previous post. Busy entering and winning contests for airbrushing, though by default on one so while it sucks, since I was the only entrant in my category, I did win some paint, the best paint in the industry, I might add.

I painted a toilet seat, did I already say that? I can't remember. Tacky? OMG yes, excessively so, however if someone will buy it, then I don't care, class doesn't put food on the table. Apparently fancy toilet seats do, go figure.

Here is the top, done with pearl paint, pinstriped emblem and green/purple and blue smoke though it didn't show in the photo.

This is the inside. I'm going to remove the smoke on the underside of the lid, and some of it on the seat toward the top, I think it's just too much.

This is detail of the emblem on the seat, after I pinstriped it but before I added the smoke and clear coat.

Now you know what I've neglected you for. My current project is a beach scene for a contest, I have a lot to do on it, and it needs to be finished by the 2nd of March. I also have to paint some logging truck parts tomorrow, not sure what they are but I will need my Big Guns for it. Should be interesting since I've never used one, in fact mine are still in the plastic. Brand spankin' new. If I have time and I remember I'll fill ya in on what kind of disaster is brought about by this venture.